當初買DLX Magic Mill 攪拌機時﹐ 在它和Bosch揉麵機之間猶豫不決﹐ 最後DLX勝出的主因是它那無比閃亮的不鏽鋼攪拌缸和大容量大馬力。用了它好幾年﹐ 一直都很滿意。但是最近被網友Erica霞到﹐ 忍不住就買了這個新版的Bosch﹐ 它的馬力現在比DLX強了﹐ 攪拌缸容量也變大了﹐ 到目前為止用了大概2星期﹐ 相當滿意﹗ 它的配件也很不錯用。
DLX以閃電的速度馬上就被買走了﹐ 在把它擦拭乾淨送它走之前﹐ 看他幾乎全新的模樣﹐ 那麼堅固的機器﹐ 我相信再用20年也沒問題﹐ 好捨不得哦﹗有時候真討厭自己喜新厭舊的個性﹐ 親親再見﹗﹗
- DLX攪拌缸很重﹐ 而且沒有抓的著力點﹐ Bosch 攪拌缸有個抓環﹐ 而且輕多了﹐ 但優點也是缺點﹐ 不繡鋼當然好啊﹗
- Bosch雖然價格便宜很多﹐ 但是如果把不鏽鋼攪拌缸和主機外殼的價格算入﹐ 沒差多少﹐ bosch 並沒有比較便宜。
- Bosch 800 瓦, DLX 600瓦﹐ 但我從來沒覺得DLX不夠力過
- Bosch攪拌缸 6.2升, DLX 7升
- DLX用的是滾輪攪拌棍﹐ Bosch用的是2個攪拌勾﹐ 我是不覺得有什麼差別﹐ 但是比較乾或剛加入乳化奶油的麵團在DLX會在缸裡卡住過不了攪拌棍(留在原地不攪拌了﹐ 不過用手移動攪拌棍幾下就可以解決)﹐ 我還沒用Bosch攪拌過乾麵團(做麵條)。
- DLX要較長時間跟他做朋友才能上手﹐ Bosch很白痴的也可以很快開始。不過也有可能我剛開始用DLX的時候很白痴
- 兩者施力處都是不鏽鋼做的﹐ 堅固無比﹐ 不像kitchenaid那個中看不重用
- DLX有定時裝置﹐ Bosch沒有﹐ 可惜了。
- DLX攪拌缸因為是不鏽鋼的﹐ 又大﹐ 很笨重﹐ 不容易操作﹐ 如果攪好幾公斤較濕黏的麵團﹐ 常會變成擁抱著攪拌缸試圖把麵團刮出來﹐ 有點狼狽﹐ 不優雅﹗但是﹐ bosch中間有根軸﹐ 如果麵團很濕不是團狀﹐ 而是爛糊狀﹐ 要用適當的大刮刀挖出來﹐ 不然也是很難應付。
- Bosch底下有吸盤﹐ 攪大量麵團時機身不會晃動﹐ DLX要墊防滑墊才行
- 這兩臺機器的平均壽命都超過20年﹐ 在美國舊貨市場並不常見﹐ 因為都爸爸媽媽傳給孩子了﹐ 我為什麼要賣掉我的勒﹖﹖﹖﹗﹗﹗
- bosch有很多配件﹐ DLX也有﹐ 但是有個篩粉的配件(L'equip做的)﹐ DLX沒有﹐ 可以把現磨的全麥粉麥麩和胚芽分開﹐ 分離出的幾乎就像中筋麵粉一樣。
- 有時用DLX做中式料理時﹐ 例如豆腐丸﹐ 貢丸出膠﹐ 絞肉要打水﹐ 它的攪拌棍沒有bosch的兩根攪拌勾來的適合
- 兩臺都不安靜﹐ bosch好像還吵些﹐ 不過這點我家沒差﹐ 兩個女兒沒有一秒安靜的。
這是到目前為止的觀察﹐ 以後有新的再說吧﹗
底部的吸盤﹐ 不動如山﹗
上蓋也可以轉扣緊﹐ 蓋子很堅固﹐ 整台機器可以提起都不會掉
配件﹐ 我沒買食物調理和果汁配件﹐ 因為我有Magimix和Vitamix了
左邊是電動篩粉組﹐ 可以把現磨的全麥粉過篩﹐ 讓麥麩和胚芽留在上層﹐ 其他細粉濾下去﹐ 我很喜歡這個﹐ 我有很多軟冬麥﹐ 適合用磨穀機現磨以後用這篩掉些麩皮做蛋糕甜點。下面那個小小的套子要套在主軸防止粉掉到中間洞裡。
紅色橡皮刮刀剛好刮攪拌缸裡面﹐ 可是我覺得太小﹐ 不順手。
兩組灰色刮刀是旁邊白色刮刀配件用的﹐ 讓食材攪拌時不要粘在攪拌缸週圍沒混合好﹐ 這個好﹗
這個軸套和軸片據說是打小量麵團時防止麵團纏在中軸往上爬用的﹐ 下面那個法棍操作板看到了很喜歡就順便買啦﹗
這是做麵條的壓模﹐ 這組貴死了﹐ 我覺得最不值這個錢﹐ 但是我要做大量麵條﹐ 一定要它們。
下面是絞肉配件﹐ 上面的壓模就是裝在下面這裡﹐ 下面這不買不行﹐ 不然我已經有很好的絞肉機了﹐ 實在不想買它。
今天先用bosch試做一個龐多米﹐ 是大師Hamelman的配方﹐ 我有個不長(4分鐘)的影片﹐ 精簡無廢話﹐從頭到尾快轉一遍。
A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipies, Pullman Bread
下面[配方如果用24兩模﹐ 建議減量1/4-1/3
830g 有機高筋麵粉
42g 全脂奶粉
21g 糖
42g 無鹽奶油
15g 岩鹽
498g 冰水
7g 速發酵母
1. 全部材料除了奶油放入bosch最高速打約4分鐘
2. 加溶化奶油再打4分鐘
3. Sharp Ax-x1 30C發酵至2倍大(不是2小時喔)
4. 分割成8份﹐ 滾圓鬆弛約20分
5. 第一次桿捲﹐ 鬆弛30分
6. 第二次桿捲﹐進土司盒﹐這是16“x4"x4"的土司盒﹐ 蠻剛好的。
7. 30C 發酵至8-9分滿
8. 200C 烤30分 左右至中心溫度達93C
麵團份量比這烤模大﹐ 下次減量或不帶蓋。這個麵包很軟很綿﹐ 不過還沒有我之前做的呂昇達德的版本要軟綿﹐ 但是已經是超好吃了﹗下面就是小公主的手在拔絲﹗
------------------------------ 其他廚房小家電 ----------------------------------
買了烤模的下半部 4x, 再在
買了烤模的上半部 4X.
怎麼算都比跟king arthur flour 的$40合算﹐ 它還只有13寸勒﹗ 本來想從台灣買﹐ 但是好像沒差﹐ 還不用裝箱漂洋過海。是不沾的喲﹗
茅茅老師~~ ((舉手發問~~))
看來看去好像都是 kitchenaid 或 cuisinart 的~~
((kitchenaid 打麵糰超弱...))
我很多時候也是直接倒出來就切﹐ 但是捲起來再切份量比較容易平均﹐ 等一下秤重少花點時間﹐ 其實沒關係啦﹐ 而且我覺得再多這一次組織會更綿密﹕)
刪除這種機器是一般店裡看不到的﹐ 屬於半專業的﹐ 和DLX一樣。kitchenaid 打麵團做麵包是出了名的爛﹐ cuisinart是近幾年才出的產品﹐ 持久性還未知。bosch 和 DLX 平均壽命都是20年左右﹐ 一般以做麵包(不是蛋糕)為主的都會買這兩種。
Hi,thank you for posting the Bosch mixer info. and the Youtube movie. They are valuable info. for
回覆刪除those of us who wish to make a big batch of Taiwanese style pullman bread.
By the way, do you grind your own flour in making this Taiwanese style pullman bread? Or do you use
the store bought flour?
I am planning to buy a Komo grain mill, but wondering how will the self-milling flour taste in this
Taiwanese style pullman bread. Would you care to share more of your receipt by using the self-milling
flour? And do you shift the grain-mill-flour before making the pullman bread?
你的問題很好﹐ 也是我買過濾器配件的主因﹐ 我沒有辦法給你所有的答案﹐ 但是我可以現在就回答下面這些﹕
刪除- 現磨的硬麥如果不過篩﹐ 也就是全麥粉﹐ 做出的麵包不論臺式配方與否﹐ 都不可能像用買回來的高筋麵粉做出來的龐多米一樣軟綿綿細密的﹐ 膨的又高又大。口感是不會相近的﹐ 因為裡面的麥麩胚芽雖然有營養﹐ 但是它對麵筋結構的破壞力使得麵包的高度整個上不去﹐ 吃起來就不會蓬鬆﹐ 但是全麥粉的風味﹐ 香味﹐ 和高筋粉的奶油﹐ 奶粉味﹐ 是全然不同的﹐ 我有不少全麥麵包配方﹐ 你可以參考。
- 我這兩天就準備用現磨的硬麥粉(筋度高)﹐ 用過篩器﹐ 然後用篩過的粉來試龐多米﹐ 但是我並不認為成品會像用市購的高筋粉一樣好吃﹐ 因為粉應該比較接近中筋, 而且我會加入麵筋粉 (vita wheat gluten) 讓筋度提高
- 我買這過濾器令一個主因是想用他來過篩現磨軟麥(筋度低)然後做蛋糕甜點。如果不過篩有麥麩口感太粗了﹐ 沒有人會吃
- 目前看來營養和口味是無法兼顧的﹐ 不妨妥協取其中﹐ 混點現磨粉到市購粉裡。
是因為過年快到了,注定要讓我買新玩具嗎? 哈哈哈
哈哈哈~~ 太高興了!!
回覆刪除我們這邊也買的到 (不然常常因為電壓不同 都只有看的份)
決定了 福樂麵包機不修了
PS 那個絞肉配件貴嗎?? 我好想買來試試灌香腸,等你用過看好不好用.
對了 有個網友推薦過濾豆漿的,你有看到嗎?? 價錢不是很便宜,不過好像很好用ㄟ (((心動
我知道啦﹐ 你是故意不小心弄壞的﹗
刪除如果買得到﹐ 你們是1000watt對不對﹖ 更有力﹗ 這個真的不錯﹐ 我還沒收到腸衣﹐ 一收到就要來試pepperoni ! 會跟妳說的。
我剛在德國的AMAZON隨便看了一下, 真的像你所說是1000WATT,而且還是不繡鋼盆,兩百多歐元
好漿來。我知道﹐ 可是興趣不大﹐ 本來有可能買它﹐ 但是又考慮到還是要洗布﹐ 這超討厭的。我決定要試這個
很大﹐ 可以掛大鍋邊﹐ 用vitamix把泡好的黃豆打爛﹐ 再用兩手倒豆漿到這個裡面(我一次煮至少4公升﹐ 豆漿豆花豆腐)﹐ 不用擠﹐ 讓它自己流﹐ 攪攪就好﹐ 塞住就倒出來用水沖沖﹐ 再繼續過濾。我剛被你一問就去把它買了﹐ 過兩天試用後再說心得。
這臺可以﹗ 你好幸福有歐版的可以買﹗
Thank you for your prompt and detailed reply. Look forward to your future posts.
回覆刪除Also, Wish your family A Blessed Chinese New Year!
謝謝你露臉﹗ 新年快樂﹗﹗﹗ ﹕)
刪除等你今年來歐洲再扛一台回去阿! 呵呵
回覆刪除對喔 你沒說我都沒想到還得洗布,恩...那我也要再考慮看看
我四月要去Belgium, 可惜那裡是220V﹐ 不然真想搬一台rofco的蒸氣烤箱回來。
刪除好命的女人! 你真的是全世界遊透透了啦
回覆刪除真的好命的話﹐ 我還想不要工作就可以更常出國勒﹗ XD
要用絞肉底座(meat grinder)加上香腸管配件
Fruit and Berry Press, Grater for nuts and hard cheeses, Sausage Stuffer, Cookie and Pastry Press, and the Pasta Maker attachment
我只買了麵條配件﹐ 其他的都有了。
對了 這網友提到的配件你有買嗎??
有﹐ 還沒用過﹐ 我大多打大量麵團﹐ 用的機會不多。
Bosch MUM86A1
恩﹐ 我知道那台﹐ 我本來想要那個﹐ 但是這裡沒有﹗沒有﹗ ﹗ ﹗ ﹕(
它其它功能都有﹐ 因為馬力強﹐ 機體是金屬扎實﹐ 我覺得一定比這臺好。可惜沒有實物可以看到。
我覺得剛好相反。這種spiral的鉤子把麵團重量整個吃下來﹐ 所以重量是在軸心﹐ 可是我的這個麵團被繞著圓圈甩﹐ 有離心力﹐ 所以重量會比較不在軸心容易晃動。如果你注意看商家用的大型mixer﹐ 都是spiral的。而且這種鉤子不論麵團大小﹐ 在攪拌時不會有死角﹐ 整團把你黏在中間﹐ 重力讓麵團往下﹐ 麵團不會往上爬。KA的軸心根本就是塑膠的﹐ 加上馬力不足﹐ 機體不夠重﹐ 當然會晃。你想像一個巨人用手拿著一大馱麵團﹐ 10公斤好了﹐ 往下垂繞圈圈﹐ 再想像一個幼稚園小孩做同樣動作﹐ 誰會晃﹐ 就知道了。這裡就是沒有那種有力的家用等級的機器﹐ 倒是台灣像小林﹐ 就有。可惜太難扛回來了﹐ 將來維修也頭痛。賣也賣不掉。
刪除對喔 你這麼說也有道理
幹嘛等﹖ 就現在買﹗ 然後多搬一臺就是了﹐ 把KA的空間讓它﹐ 絕對值得﹗ 我覺得杏仁可能不好過篩哦﹐ 因為它是堅果類﹐ 油脂高﹐ 會黏﹐ 為什麼要過篩杏仁﹖
刪除我家其實就中等房子﹐ 一點也不大﹐ 就是廚房因為整修過所以很多空間 XD
精算﹐ 我最近才準備要做馬卡龍耶﹐ 看到篇簡單去杏仁皮的﹐ 再用vitamix打碎﹐ 應該夠細了吧﹖ 我覺得這sifter如果篩這個會塞住耶﹐ 而且會弄得上面轉刷都是﹐ 因為它不乾﹐ 有油啊。這個在http://www.pleasanthillgrain.com/Bosch_Universal_Plus_Mixer_MUM6N10UC.aspx買的
這臺平均壽命是和DLX一樣﹐ 25年﹐ 雖然機身是塑膠﹐ 但是所有要‘用力’的都是純金屬的﹐ 不像KA只能打蛋糕。這臺至少要1000g麵團才打得好﹐ 太少反而粘在中間打不到。我最近才用它打了個7公斤麵團 ﹕P
回覆刪除我住美國 ^^
回覆刪除雖然還沒試過﹐ 但我覺得一定可以﹗
你用220v喔﹐ 這是115v的。
回覆刪除我一直再考慮買 請問這兩台我應該買那一台比較好用
我真的覺得這兩台都很好﹐ 不過如果你常做份量大於500-1000g的麵團﹐ 那兩臺都可以﹐ 如果常做500-1000的﹐ Bosch不好用。
刪除為什麼Bosch不適合做500-1000g時用因為機器太大嗎 謝謝妳的回答 Carrie
回覆刪除是的﹐ 設計所致﹐ 麵團容易卡在中軸﹐ 不過有個配件﹐ 我買了忘了照相﹐ 有很大的幫助﹐ 但還是不如DLX。
看網上說有些不是一體成型的很容易卡,造成清潔不容易 妳做龐多米時有沒有放
parchment paper ? 我在想如果不是一體成形如果品質好放張紙如果不黏就不會有卡卡
問題了,請問妳的看法呢? Thanks Carrie
不好意思﹐ 我剛剛才發現漏掉你的留言了。
刪除我做土司從來沒放烤紙﹐ 我用的2磅土司模是在http://www.webstaurantstore.com/2-lb-pullman-bread-loaf-pan/327904650.html,
蓋子也要分開買。它內部是不沾的。烤完拿出來輕輕敲兩下就脫模了﹐ 不會卡卡。 ﹕)
DXL 也可以灌香腸嗎他有沒有其他配件
Thanks Carrie
可以﹐ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSSmX6fw8Rw
刪除看了您的 PO文... BOSH好像比AO好上手很多...拿他和PK601比 你覺得哪
回覆刪除款好用呢? 對我這兩光已經有PK601的麵包初學者 還是想買BOSH... 哈哈
... 請問PK601 規定最多粉量只能大到600g 請教您最大做到多少都沒問
題呢? 我都不敢打太多 不超過500g的粉 結果他還是壞掉了 真不知道是
不是你的問題﹐ 我常打>1000g的麵團。Bosch 打小量 (<1000g)麵團不好打﹐ 所以我會用kneader. 我覺得bosch比AO好上手﹐ 但是麵團從缸裡比較不方便拿出。
刪除想请教您这台机器可以打饺子皮吗?因饺子皮比较硬。而boach blender 可以比美Vitamix 吗?
回覆刪除如果你的餃子皮含水量是50%左右是一定沒問題的。例如 250g水和500g粉就是50%.我剛打了這種麵團1500g做麵條。
刪除多謝你的回复,我的饺子皮是4cup粉and 1 1/4 cup water,等买了你这款的机器就开工了,我平常都爱做面包,只是怕打坏我的Kitchen
回覆刪除Aid 而少做(因打坏2台了)多谢你的分享!
不客氣﹗ 其實我覺得餃子皮不是問題﹐ 但是麵條要很乾的麵團﹐ 不然用製麵機出來會很容易黏成一團﹐ 下次我要用很乾的麵團﹐ 不要攪拌那麼出筋﹐ 就沒乾粉成碎狀自己捏成團來試試。上次那批雖然只有50%但是還是黏。而且下次用高筋粉﹐ 上次用的是中筋麵粉。
刪除Hi 茅茅,.
回覆刪除Thank you for the great review. I have been wanting to ask you some questions regarding mixers but had problems posting on your old blog site. So here they are:
My KA - 6q, 450W, died again!!! It broke the first time after mixing a single batch of Taiwanese Sweet bread. Had the mixer fixed then it died last Sat again while mixing a single batch of 周老師's 鮮奶土司. As you can see, I don't bake large batches of bread. I think at most, I will make 2 batches at the same time occasionally. I like to make all whole wheat bread.
1. Which mixer do you recommend for small batches (<700g of flour)? Electrolux or Bosch? I have read a lot of reviews online, it seems like both are for larger jobs? The recipe you posted here is 850g of flour, is that considered a small batch?
2. You have had the Bosch for some time now, do you have any problem with the dough climbing up for small batches? Quite a few owners complained about this and it makes it hard to clean. I have read and on youtube that for the Electrolux, adjustment to the dough mixer thing can solve this problem.
3. I bake a lot of cakes. What's your experience of baking cakes (e.g. mixing batter, whipping cream, or beating egg whites) with either the Electrolux or Bosch?
I am sorry to throw so many questions at you but you are the only person I know who have experience with both machines!
Hi PW,
刪除Sorry you have trouble leaving me message before. Glad you can now!
KA is definitely not for bread dough. I tried to tell many friends that.
You are right, Bosch is not good for dough less than 1000g, But I did once with a dough of 800g and the accessory for small batch and it was just fine. I don't understand the 'hard to clean' part from other reiviews, I saw that as well but personally I don't think it's hard at all. the small batch did tend to attach to center pole, but i only did it once and it was fine for me. the rest of the time i use kneader mixer instead for hand process, or my seiko bread machine for auto process. and i really dont make small batch by hand that often at all.
bosch has very short learning curve. OA is quiet long for me. if i have to choose for overall usage, i choose bosch. for some reason, the way OA spin and throw the dough somehow doesn't make that much sense to me. although the dough did come out fine, i just have 成見 XD
for your Q1, the dough weight is > 1000g, i think both machines are fine. you can certainly attach the piece for small batch and it will help. but for this weight, it's fine without the piece.
for Q2, again, i didn't notice anything bothers me when mixing small batch.and yes, adjust OA's roller can avoid this problem.
for Q3, both do great cake and whipping....etc, and it's extremely fast, unusually fast!
thank you for visit my blog!
Thank you for your input! I feel more confident now knowing both are great at making cakes!
刪除It seems like I may just have to bite the bullet and buy the bigger capacity mixer and make more bread. I keep telling myself not to worry about the aesthetic of these machines but the OA just looks better (prettier) than the Bosch.... My aunt just gave me a surprise present - KA Pro 600. Yikes! It is of course going back to where it came from.
Thank you again 茅茅. I really appreciate all the information you have posted. I look forward to reading more of your new culinary adventures :).
P.S. The pictures in the kneader thread need to fixed. http://maobaocun.blogspot.com/2010/11/kneader-pk601.html Some of them are very oversized.
Hi 茅茅,
回覆刪除I posted above. I forgot to add "Thank you and looking forward to your reply!"
茅茅 您好,
回覆刪除我最近也想買這台, 請問這台電壓是否己有改成符合美國110V, 謝謝
這臺是美國市面上賣的﹐ 已經完全符合美國標準了。
刪除Hi 茅茅,
回覆刪除Happy New Year!
I finally bought the mixer. I wish I knew about that Cyber Monday special!
I made some cheddar rolls right before Christmas. Well, 出師不利 :(. It was a triple batch of 湯種 about 960g of flour. The dough climbed up the center column like crazy. It just turned around it for the first 10 minutes or so. The surface of the dough appeared to be very rough and felt very sticky. No stretch at all. After that, the dough started to drop and finally making contact with the side of the dough as it was mixed by the dough hook. At this point, the dough can be stretched out thinly. Unfortunately, I couldn't use this batch of dough because it smelled like motor grease. I guess I didn't clean the metal drive shaft well enough so the dough got contaminated as it made such "intimate" contact with the center column. Oh well, at least I got to observe how the machine worked.
Since I bought the dough divider and dough glide for small batches, I decided to use them for the second batch to prevent the dough climbing. Well, these little gadgets didn't work well. The dough still climbed and, even worse, it made its way between the center column and the dough divider and down the metal drive shaft (didn't find out until I was washing it). The dough behaved exactly the same as the first batch: first 10 minutes, the dough hugged the center column, then dropped down.
Gluten development is definitely much superior than kneading by hand.I couldn't achieve the amount of dough stretch by hand. Not sure why others who posted online reviews had problems clean it. In fact, it was very easy to clean despite it had dough in different places. Overall, this machine will save my wrists for sure.
I hope to solve the climbing dough issue as I get more familiar with the machine. Just want to share my experience and pay it forward.
Thank you again for your great blog, it certainly helped me greatly.
Hi pw
刪除Great to hear about ur progress.indeed the climbing of dough has been a problem for many people listen myself Haas found using larger amount of dough easily solve this problem.but not others.the black thing is actually oxidized metal from the column and will continue being seen if doughkeep touching it I have learned always use more than 1000g of flour if using this machine. Or let the dough sit for 30 minutes or so after initial mix, then mix more after wards. Still, bigger dough is the way to go. Share more with me when u have time
Hi 茅茅,
回覆刪除I am now very familiar with the machine! I just spent the entire weekend baking with your 北海道牛奶吐司 recipe. In your post, you quadrupled the original recipe so I tried the double and triple portions. I also used all milk since I didn't have heavy cream. The machine did well with the triple portion (810g flour), no problem with the dough whatsoever. Once the flour is down to 540g for the double portion, climbing dough once again appeared. Although the wrapping dough really tested my nerves but the gluten was still beautifully developed. I really had to restrain myself not to unwrap it from the column every 5 minutes. Ha!
It took much longer (more than 30 minutes) to get the dough to the window pane stage but the mixture motor wasn't even hot! I also found that mixing it with speed 3 was better than speed 2 for the small batch. Speed 4 was really overkill. Once the dough dropped and started to clean the sides of the bowl, it basically let me know that it was done! I was so moved by the stretch of the dough because there is no way that I could have achieved that with hand kneading. So small batch is doable but lots of patience (at least for me) is required :).
I also tried your 100% honey whole wheat toast recipe several times. It turned out great! I also converted it into 湯種. Also works and tastes great!!! Please let me know if you are interested in the 湯種 version of your original recipe.
Thanks again for your recipes!
Dear PW, 謝謝你的great input! 很高興你現在跟bosch做了好朋友。yes, 如果可以分享湯種配方﹐ 相信很多格友可以受惠﹗ 先謝啦﹗
刪除Great! I will post the recipe in the 100% honey whole wheat loaf thread. I will try the whole wheat goji berry loaf next time!