2012年6月18日 星期一
★ Roti Canai 搞笑版馬來檳城印度麵包
從前我們住在Delaware state時﹐ 經常開車到費城的馬來檳城去解饞﹐ 每次必點的就是印度麵包﹐ 這是道無與倫比好吃的開胃菜﹐ 酥脆薄而香味濃郁。後來搬來Maryland state﹐ 在靠近DC的地方也有一家一模一樣的﹐ 所以我們也是每次必點這印度麵包﹐ 有一次我在無意間看到youtube上這個叫做Roti Canai的馬來西亞煎薄餅﹐ 疑....不就是它嗎﹖ 看來很簡單嘛﹐ 不試對不起自己﹐
只見影片裡酷老兄兩手輕輕那麼一抖﹐ 整張面皮就越甩越薄越甩越大。我兩手亂七八糟揮半天﹐ 自己也搞不清楚兩手在幹嘛﹐ 那麵團被又扔又拋的﹐ 扯成奇形怪狀﹐ 就是不像一張皮。兩個小寶貝女兒看老媽臉色越來越臭﹐ 雙雙安靜的從廚房消失。我站在那裡﹐ 整整有20分鐘﹐ 終於搞清除左右手的功能分別是什麼﹐ 然後﹐嘿嘿嘿哈哈哈﹗ 皮就出現啦﹗﹗﹗
這麵團要能成功的甩成又薄又大﹐ 一定要讓麵筋完完全全鬆弛﹐ 不然甩開後馬上就自己彈回來﹐ 或是根本甩不動﹐ 我後來雖然可以把皮甩出來﹐ 但是卻不知道怎麼把皮完整無恙的搬到加熱鐵板上又不會黏成一團或是倒縮﹐ 所以成品都不夠薄﹐ 所以烙好後也沒那麼酥脆﹐ 沒有那麼好的口感﹐ 不過這麵團的配方很香倒是真的﹐ 所以沾咖哩很好吃﹗ 要現烙現吃喔。
3/4 小匙鹽
揉至完全擴展階段﹐ 室溫鬆弛1小時﹐ 分成8份﹐ 滾圓﹐ 然後再鬆弛2小時就可以開始甩麵團﹐ 中途用ghee防沾黏。
麵皮甩好後﹐ 在表面彈幾滴酥油﹐ 然後左1/3往中折﹐ 右1/3往中折﹐ 像折信紙那樣﹐ 有彈油才不會皮又黏成一片﹐ 而是會出現像蔥油餅那樣有點層次﹐ 然後對折﹐
我用我的室內燒烤機﹐ 在上面用很少的油﹐ 慢慢煎烙到兩面焦黃酥脆即可
最後用兩手左右用力把餅夾拍打鬆﹐ 讓層次出來。
這是我沒耐心抓狂後﹐ 把亂七八糟的麵皮直接就夾烤熟了了事﹗ 反正還是酥脆沾咖哩醬﹐ 一樣好吃。
以後決定不做了﹐ 這東西沒有大鐵板不好做﹐ 還是去馬來檳城吃吧﹗ 我還是乖乖的做我們的蔥油餅比較不會被自己氣死。
張貼留言 (Atom)
上面是我 奇怪名字怎麼不見了
而且架式十足 呵呵
你真是太誇獎了﹐ 那酷老兄兩手擺前面輕輕一動就好了﹐ 我好像打太極一樣大幅度的揮動麵皮才有動靜....
刪除版主 欣賞了很多你的作品 可以先給我個入門的 我先練習一下
啊你那裏買得到 ghee 喔??
偶也要找個時候來試試看~~~ ^+++^
應該就是印度拉餅沒錯﹗ 我不知道為什麼﹐ 在煎這個餅的時候很火大﹐ 覺得好不容易拉大的餅到了鐵板上就沒辦法維持形狀﹐ 讓我很沮喪。鐵板太小了啦﹗﹗﹗ ghee 在網路買的﹐ 你可以試試organic store或印度店
刪除I love 馬來檳城的印度麵包 too! I have to say it again - you are
回覆刪除so amazing!
BTW, do you know ghee can be very easily made from butter? Just
google for the instructions. My Indian colleague said his wife
always makes ghee herself instead of buying it from the store.
really! I will do that next time then. thanks for sharing!
刪除Here is one recipe of making ghee. See how easy it is!
Now, I try using ghee to replace shortening and lard in all
recipes because
the only thing I need to keep in inventory is butter.
Next time when we meet, you have to teach me how to toss 印度麵
包. If 鐵板太小, we can make smaller 印度麵包. I am sure smaller
ones will be as delicious :)
wow, indeed, so easy! Thank you for sharing!
刪除no problem showing you next time. it's so delicious!
Go look at
starting at 5:54
They 沒有大鐵板 either. You've got the most difficult part. Why
give up and say 以後決定不做了? When are you going to teach
that's a good video. i don't think you need me to teach you :P
刪除you are right, i can do it alright on small plate. i guess i just trying to find excuse to eat in 馬來檳城 :D
I tried 甩麵團several times but could not get it right. You
回覆刪除will have to show me how! Now I understand what you meant by "不
知道怎麼把皮完整無恙的搬到加熱鐵板上又不會黏成一團或是倒縮﹐ 所
以成品都不夠薄﹐ 所以烙好後也沒那麼酥脆﹐ 沒有那麼好的口感". I
googled more and found an article at
It said,"you need the correct protein level in order to be able
to create a dough which is both extensible and strong, but not
too resistant to stretching ..." It then said "So where ever you
are in the world, if you can get your hands on plain flour with
a protein level of 10.8%, it would work perfectly.". It also
said, "You should try to rest them for at least 8 hours or
overnight ..." You may want to switch to AP flour and let the
dough rest longer. I am confident nothing can stop you!
Thank you for the info. I will try AP next time. But somehow I remember I was using AP but why did I said bread flour above???? But I did try again later and let the dough rest for overnight and it did get very stretchy. haha, you do't want me to give up, do you?
刪除we came back from camping last night very late and found that our power was out this whole weekend and didn't come back until near noon today. lot's of work to do ..... I haven't open my chest freezer yet. hope my organic pork is ok... :(
sure i can show you spin the dough next time i make it, if i feel like to do it again.... :P
I know you are not that kind of person who gives up easily!
回覆刪除I tried again last night after letting the dough rest for 24
hours. I just cannot get the left upper part of the dough flat
(it always folded). Somehow my left hand was not doing its job
You picked the right time to be out of town camping. I think
your stuff should be OK because you did not open the
frig/freezer at all. I feel sorry for people who still have no
power now. The news says there are 440,000 outages as of today.
It's a hell when the temperature is 100F and there is not much
you can do about it. The utility companies said there are doing
their best to recover it by 07/06
and some government officers said that is not acceptable. I am
tired of the same old story repeated every year for the past ???
My left hand palm down is acting like the center of the circle. My right hand palm up draws an 90 degree rotated '8' shape. when the right hand is come down to the end, it does so quickly so that the whole dough will stretch outward.
刪除I just finished purchasing generator and extension cord online. I can use them for my camping as well. the heat last weekend cooked one of my goldfishes... 88 little fish....
The weather is getting weirder and weirder each year. We had a
回覆刪除warm winter and now we are paying back by having this hell like
My goal is to have a net-zero energy house after I retire. I
will go somewhere cheaper, say West Virginia, to build a house
that does not need power from the power company. I am sick of
the power outages that caused by the weather and the trees. Why
don't they just cut down, instead of stupidly keeping trimming
the trees that have repeatedly caused the outages? Trees are
good, but they should be removed from wherever they've caused
troubles! Well, enough of complaints! Have a good Independence
Day and stay cool if you are going out!
i think they are cutting down trees. just not fast enough.
刪除it's so hot today, i don't know if i want to go out. but kids aren't giving me a break. they want to go out and watch fireworks.....
have a good holiday as well!
你好,我想請教您關於一杯的份量大概是多少,我使用周老師的換算表,兩杯半的麵粉約是300克 一杯的水約是240克 水分高達80%這樣會不會太濕黏呢?我想常試做看看 不過看了自己的換算後好怪怪的,想請教您 有沒有大約的克數可以參考,謝謝
回覆刪除這個麵團要柔軟才能甩﹐ 加上要放置一陣子﹐所以水份會吸收掉不少。我很久以前做的﹐當時用的就是體積﹐你不妨先照著試試看。